Get in Touch

The Elephant Sanctuary, The Crags

Plettenberg Bay, South Africa
+27 (44) 534 8145

Sanctuary Hartbeespoortdam
+27 (12) 258 9904

Willife Sanctuary Hazyview

South Africa & Tanzania
Phone: +27 (13) 737 6609

Join Us Today!

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Our Initiatives save critically endangered wildlife from habitat loss & poaching.

Our mission is to secure a future for elephants and to sustain the beauty and ecological integrity of the places they live; to promote man’s delight in their intelligence and the diversity of their world, and to develop a tolerant relationship between the two.

Select a reputable conservation organization focused on elephant protection. Organizations like World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Elephant Crisis Fund, and Save the Elephants are well-regarded.

Elephants are keystone species, shaping their habitats by dispersing seeds and maintaining biodiversity.

You can contribute by supporting reputable conservation organizations, raising awareness, and promoting sustainable practices.